Friday, January 25, 2013




冰箱内还有一包班兰,快要坏掉了。我就立刻上网寻找食谱。结果最吸引我的食谱是班兰糯米糕(Pandan Seri Muka), 我就开始试做My Kitchen的食谱,谢谢她的分享。


班兰糯米糕(Pandan Seri Muka)的食谱:
Ingredients (8" x 8"):
Bottom Layer
250g Glutinous Rice, soaked for 4 hours and drained
170ml Thin Coconut Milk
¼ tsp Salt

Top Layer
2 no. Eggs
150g Castor Sugar
120ml Pandan Water (Blend about 10 pandan leaves with 120ml water)
400ml Coconut Milk
120g All-purpose Flour
3 tbsp Tapioca Flour
¼ tsp salt
Green Colouring (optional)

  1. Bottom Layer: Steam glutinous rice with coconut milk and salt for 30 minutes. Rest for about 10 minutes, then transfer and press steamed rice onto a bottom of a 8" square pan.
  2. Top Layer: Beat eggs with sugar until sugar is dissolved. Add in pandan water, coconut milk, salt and green colouring. Mix well.
  3. Sift in flours and whisk till well combined. Strain the mixture and rest for 10 minutes.
  4. Pour the mixture in the pan with pressed glutinous rice (1) and steam over medium heat for 30 minutes.
  5. Cool completely before serving.


1。瘦肉 适量
2。豆瓣酱 1汤匙
3。青瓜丝 适量
4。萝卜丝 适量
5。葱及姜 少许
6。清水 半杯
7。八角 1粒

  1. 肉切成小碎丁,葱姜切片
  2. 锅里热油,葱姜爆香,放入肉丁迅速滑炒至变色,加入豆瓣酱
  3. 小火翻炒均匀后稍炸一会,加入老抽,倒入勉强没过的水量,放入八角,大火烧开后,转中小火一直熬至汤汁粘稠即可。(若不爱吃太咸,老抽就不用放了)
  4. 把酱直接浇在煮好的面条上,上青瓜丝及萝卜丝就可以了。

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