One week before CNY, i baked some pineapple tarts, cornflakes cookies and bak gua. I finally test out this peanut cookies by baking a batch since this is one of the cookies I wanted to make for CNY. Glad to say I like it and it's so easy to make too. Pwei and my dear like it very much!
Anyway, for Reunion Dinner, which sadly wasn't celebrated with all our immediate family members,We decided to make a few "traditional dishes". We cooked chicken, chicken soup, fried fish and xiao bak choi. At midnight, we called home to wish all my family and my dear friends back home in Malaysia, Happy Chinese New Year and to catch up with their CNY celebrations. I miss all of you very much!
1st day of CNY, we cooked some vegetarien food for our lunch and dinner - sweet and sour vege prawn, loh han zai and vege popiah. We enjoyed it very much. After dinner, we cooked some red bean tong shui with tong yuan for our dessert.
The picture of Yam Ring, PWei & I made on 2nd day of CNY for dinner at home, my dear prepared some tasty terriyaki chicken and prawn and a soup. I thought what a great idea to prepare wantan roll with seeweed and to serve with Thai sweet chili sauce. This is a yummy food, so nice!!
Lastly, I wish all of you a prosperous, healthy, wealthy and Happy Chinese New Year!!