Hihi...finally I bought a creative set, glitter glues and 1 set of started pack for making cards from the "Idee" shop yesterday. Last 2 months, we found this shop and we hanged around there for few hours because there sell a lot of creative things, stationery for art student and art reference books. There have some small rooms for teaching painting, clipping and so on. There are some show rooms for displaying arts. I like this place very much.
After my final exam, I plan to make some cards for my friends and my dear during my holidays. Somemore I need to go to Fitness Studio more frequently to reduce my weight because we bought a new weight scales. This scales can measure body weight, % of body fat, % of total body water, muscle mass and bone weight. Haha...my dear requested me to reduce 2-3kg because I ate too much during CNY. I miss the Fitness Studio very much!! Haha.... I will come during my winter holiday....