Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cola Chicken- First attempt

After struggling to decide what to have for dinner tonight, I decided to give cola-chicken wings a try adapted from Sock Peng recipe since we have an opened bottle of cola for some days. My dear won't drink it anymore as he said that cola without gas is just like water with sugar. My dear was a bit skeptical seeing me cooking chicken with coca-cola. It turned it however to be quite nice. A bit sweet and not too much of the cola taste. My dear like it as well, definitely this will not my last time cooking this. Thanks Sock Peng for her mother's secret recipe.

We had Kang Kung along with the cola chicken. This is one of my dear favorite dish. The Belacan paste from Adabi is perfect for stir fry Kang Kung. We brought this from home last time, unfortunately we could not find it here in Germany. Will defintely bring more next time when I am home.

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